Article résumant le contenu d'un webinaire organisé par Neovision...
Emmanuel, Group Strategy Manager, vous fait découvrir les fruits de la collaboration entr...
Emmanuel, Group Strategy Manager, vous fait découvrir les fruits de la collaboration entr...
Vulgarized presentation of a research paper based on Neovision's scientific watch on adver...
Vulgarized presentation of a research paper based on Neovision's scientific watch about Ho...
Focus on AI in the field of energy: smartbuilding and home automation, consumption predict...
Focus on AI in the environmental field: image recognition for waste sorting, transport opt...
Vulgarized presentation of a research paper based on Neovision's scientific watch about ev...
Vulgarized presentation of a research paper based on Neovision's scientific watch concerni...
AI, everyone is talking about it, and many are interested in it. These technologies are be...